The Call
This is a call, a call to the thousands that have heard the call.
We’ve heard the voice within us, the voice that has spoken to the very depth of our beings.
We are not our own! We belong to another.
Let not this illusion deceive us.
Let us press into this darkness and discover the light that was meant to shine.
As lightning flashes across the the sky so is to be the presence of out impact upon the darkness.
Let us forsake this present world with all of its delusion
and submit to the One who has paved the way for our success!
We are His offspring, in His image and likeness we are created to be.
Find your portion in this world and you will forsake
and lose that which you were meant to become.
Let this be clearly defined; let it be plain to us all.
We have but one choice; to save our lives or to lose them for His sake!
Nothing in this life can compare to which that awaits His true followers,
His true sons.
In Anguish and Destruction of Soul,
That the Power of Christ Might Dwell in Me,
David Phillips
June 2, 2009
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